Popular Indian Language Fonts for your Website
Dynamic fonts provide the ability to incorporate fonts in Web documents. This is done by allowing authors to define the URL of an appropriate font file. The font itself can be referenced from within a style sheet or by using the <FONT FACE=…> tag. Unless previously cached, the font will be downloaded from a server at the time the page is loaded, much like an image file.
After specifying the source for a font definition file, you can use fonts in that file for the value of the FACE attribute in the <FONT> tag.
When a user reads a web page that uses linked fonts, the font is automatically downloaded to their system. However, the web browser will only display the font correctly if it can find a displayer for it. If the browser can’t find a displayer for a particular font, then it uses the default font.
Today BIG ARCH SOLUTIONS is one of the very few companies who
Since BIG ARCH SOLUTIONS has developed all these fonts, we offer these fonts as Web Font or Web Dynamic Fonts for websites as well. Due to recent electronic hardware development, Mobile and Tablet devices have become capable of displaying Indian language fonts on these devices. Today all major operating systems, applications and browsers are capable of displaying Indian language fonts.
Like Foreign Language web pages, now you can use Indian Language web fonts for your website, web portal or web application without any technology hurdle. You can choose any Indian Language Font from our wide range font collection for your need. With BIG ARCH SOLUTIONS Library, you have a choice of more no of fonts to
There is
- Available for all Indian languages
User Friendly Usage- Small quick downloadable size
- Can be implemented within Know time
- Largest Library of Indian Language fonts are available from BIG ARCH SOLUTIONS to keep
brand image of your Company or Product Font is embedded with Web pages i.e. font gets downloaded automatically without user intervention.- Multiple font faces can be used on the same page by
differentiate font names - Useful for existing textual matters composed using Likhith Fonts
Earlier (EOT *) Web Fonts are supported only by Internet Explorer – Version 5.0 onwards on Windows Platform.
Now it is compatible with the following browsers like FireFox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari, on Windows, Linux